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And here's the 6th..
When Love Hurts 06
“Great” answered Miki with a piece of meat inside her mouth.
Aya was looking at her friend with a mix of curiosity and jealousy that she never had felt before. She knew that Mikitty had spent the night with Yossi, it was something that she could see just looking at the other girl’s face since they met in the studio some hours ago. Miki was shining and greeted her friend wearing the most beautiful smile on her lips.
Then, it was the first time Ayaya saw the woman, not just the friend.
“Mikittan…” began Aya with doubt in her voice.
“Are you…”
“What?” asked Fujimoto.
“…dating Yossi?” finalized Aya with a tiny voice almost inaudible.
The question took Miki totally off of guard and she choked with her food. When she recovered her breath, Aya was still waiting for the answer. How could explain to Aya what she had with Yocchan if not even her knew it? Besides… how could she tell anything without confessing her true feelings?
“You know you can tell me anything” said Aya trying to get an answer.
“I could say the same for you” answer Miki, who saw the way to avoid the previous question.
“What do you mean?” asked a confused Matsuura.
“You want to know what’s going on between Yocchan and me but I still don’t know who was the man you were with the other night.”
“It’s not a big deal” said Miki giving back her attention to her yakiniku “I understand that, sometimes, we need to keep some of our secrets. Isn’t like if we’re not gonna be friends anymore because of that.
“But I… you don’t… I want to tell you what…” Ayaya was babbling. She was too confused with Miki’s reaction to be able to say something coherent.
“It’s ok, Aya-chan. I don’t need to know it.”
I don’t want to know it…
“I can’t believe that you hanged up the phone”
“It was late, Ishikawa. People need to sleep, you know?”
After the rehearsals, Yoshizawa went to one of the little rooms to have some rest before going to lunch with some of the girls, but she didn’t notice that Rika was followed her until she was in.
“What do you want?”
“Your forgiveness” answered Ishikawa while she was putting her arms around Yossi’s neck. “I miss you”
Yossi almost fell on her knees. She knew Ishikawa was playing with her again but she couldn’t help it. Her body still missed the other girl’s touch…
“Hitomi-chan… “whispered Rika “Can we try it again?”
After a long time, Yossi felt Ishikawa’s lips against her’s again. Her kisses hadn’t change since the last time. They still taste like black chocolate, bitter and addictive and filled with lies and betrayals. It was something that she didn’t want to feel again. Then, another kisses came to Hitomi’s mind. Kisses without pain, sweet kisses with the taste of strawberries and the freshness of a summer breeze…
“What’s wrong?” asked Rika when she felt Yossi’s body moving away from her.
“I can’t”
“Yes, you can” said Ishikawa trying to attract her again.
But Yossi’s strong arms stopped her.
“You don’t understand? You killed what we had before” said Yoshizawa trying to remain cold “You can’t pretend that everything will be ok with just a kiss”
“I’m planning to do more than just kisses…”
“It’s over” cut Yossi. But before she could reach the door to leave, Rika-chan spoke again.
“Is because of Miki, right?”
Hearing that, Yossi couldn’t help but the rage take control of her acts. She pushed Ishikawa against the wall with all her strength and didn’t’ let her make any move.
“Stay away from her, Ishikawa.”
“Or what…?” said Rika with a smirk in her face.
“I’m serious. Don’t dare to touch her.”
Ishikawa approached her lips to Hitomi’s ear and talked with the coldest voice ever.
“I don’t let her to win. You’re mine, Yocchan, even if you want to deny it, you’ll always be mine.”
Without knowing how, Rika free herself from Yossi’s arms and went out of the room. After that, Hitomi lost all her strength and fell to the ground with desperate tears in her eyes.
“Enough crying, Yossi” said to herself, fighting against her feelings. “She don’t deserve it…”