Friday, August 25, 2006,7:29 AM
When Love Hurts 27
aah~ finally the words came back... ^_^

When Love Hurts 27

It didn’t matter how many times she looked at the mirror. It was still there. A big bruise around her nose which didn’t disappear, not even with all the make up she was using.

Rika Ishikawa was cursing the day she met Miki. She had to do something, and she had to do it soon. The question was what… What more she could do that won’t end with Yossi and Miki even closer?

Then, the answer knocked at her door.

“What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t pick up the phone”
“You shouldn’t be angry at me or something?”

The answer was a slap in Rika’s face.

“Hey! It still hurts, you know?!”
“You deserve it” said Aya with an inexpressive face “She doesn’t wanna talk with me. Why are you doing that to us?!”
“That’s not about Miki and you. She was just in the wrong place”
“You want Yossi…”

Rika-chan looked at her and smiled as if what the other girl said it was the funniest thing she ever heard.

“And who don’t?” she replied “She’s so kind, lovely and charming that everybody falls in love with her. The problem is that she knows that and she uses it.”

In some way, the way Ishikawa was talking seemed like she was really hurt or, at least, it was what Aya thought.

“That’s why I’m here” said Matsuura.
“I don’t wanna see Miki getting hurt so I’ll help you”

Ishikawa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The innocent and pure Aya Matsuura wanted to be involved in her plans?

“Maybe you’ll have to lie to her…” she said to be sure about Aya’s intentions.
“I know”
“And you don’t care?”
“She’s the only thing that matters to me”

Love sure is a bad thing if can change someone’s mind that way. She lied to Aya, she used her in a deliberated way and even knowing that, the younger wanted to be her ally. That’s why is so dangerous to be in love. It makes you act desperately just to have the one you want. But that was good for Rika. Now she had someone like her.

“Just one more thing” said Aya.
“Tell me…”
“If we’re going to do this together you have to be honest with me”
“It’s fair” answered Rika.
“Show me the real Ishikawa” Matsuura went closer to the older girl “Tell me why you’re doing this. Why do you feel so bitter?”
“That’s a long story that you don’t need to know…”

To be continued...
posted by Unknown
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